I read with surprise and almost disbelief a Daily Express front page report Sunday titled "Appointment Is Revoked".
According to the writer, Elizabeth Majaham, the Local Government and Housing Ministry has revoked the appointment of former Sabah Housing & Town Development Authority (LPPB) general manager Sylvester Jomitod Disimon (SJD) (pic above) as Penampang District Chief which is supposed to take effect on Tuesday 1 September 2009.
The reporter quoted Penampang Native Chief Johhny Molijoh who in turn quoted Penampang district officer (DO) William Sampil. (A District Chief or DC is more senior than a Native Chief or NC as he is in charge of an entire district as his title suggests or at least a State constituency whereas an NC is only in charge of a Mukim or cluster of villages. A DC may thus have several NCs under him.)
Johnny claimed that William had told him Friday that a revocation letter was given to SJD through the DO. The Daily Express article was reproduced by SJD in his blog, http://linundus.blogspot.com, today. In fact, SJD's blog had carried almost all the news reports about this 'controversy' from the start; although some of the statements were not favourable to him. I find this rather 'gentlemanly' on the part of SJD.
In his latest posting today (as of my time of writing), SJD confirmed receiving the 'revocation' letter and that he respected the Ministry's decision to impose the "cooling-off" period in view of the 'heat' generated by out-going DC Christopher Mojungkim and his 'supporters'.
Let us start from the beginning. It all started when the Borneo Post reported sometime early August that SJD had the previous day submitted his acceptance letter as DC effective 1.9.2009 to the DO who delivered it on behalf of the Sabah Native Affairs office director.
The incumbent DC, Christopher immediately issued a statement to Daily Express saying, among other things, that he felt embarassed and humiliated that he came to know of SJD's appointment and his impending removal only through the Press; that he deserved to be told personally; that he was not too old to continue serving; etc, etc. Chris' statement was supported and elaborated upon the following days by, among others, the so-called Penamapng Native Welfare Association (wonder if it's registered and can't bother to remember the name of its head) and, surprisingly, opposition figure Datuk Dr Jeffrey Kitingan. Even PBS, a fellow BN component party of UPKO whose leaders are both the Assemblyman and MP in Penampang, joined in the fray.
I can't remember who said what, but among the accusations hurled against SJD and the government (I'm just saying it in general) were that the BN parties should have been consulted; that the views of the KadazanDusun Cultural Association (KDCA) and not just Kadazan Society of Sabah (KSS) be considered and so on. Jeffrey even, surprisingly, accused UMNO of "bullying" other component parties of Penampang BN by pushing through SJD's appointment. I won't waste my time and energy to repeat everything here, those interested can either look for old newspapers or visit SJD's blog.
Sikmading says: 1. Looking back and speaking with the benefit of hindsight, SJD should perhaps not brought along a reporter (Borneo Post) when he submitted his acceptance letter to the DO. I'm just assuming that it was he who informed the reporter. It could have been the DO's office or Penampang Native Court. But then again, there was nothing wrong, not legally at least. It was SJD's right to inform the whole world that he has been appointed the new DC come 1st Sept and that he was accepting it, that's all. Some people are Press-savvy, some are not. Some are publicity shy, some are not. It's the individual's right, say what you like. It's also up to the individual to shoulder any consequences of his actions. It's a free world. To cut the long story short, my point is SJD committed no wrong by publicising the event and it certainly DID NOT disqualify him from his appointment which had already been made in the first place.
2. Secondly, again speaking with the benefit of hindsight, perhaps SJD should not have visited his new office after the above event while there is still an incumbent and especially when the latter was not aware of it. I can understand Chris' feelings. But we don't know what excatly transpired during or after the visit to the DO's office that day. SJD could have been prompted by the DO himself and the couple of Native Chiefs who were present. It's human nature to 'angkat kaki' (curry favour) with your new or in-coming boss, isn't it? Whatever it is, the above unfortunate incident, whether it was tactful or otherwise, SHOULD NOT disqualify SJD as he was the in-coming DC anyway. If any 'offence' had been committed, it was at best 'lack of tactfulness or sensitivity', that's all. Perhaps an apology from SJD to Chris (who happens to be his 2nd cousin) would help cool things down but this must come from SJD only if he wants to, nobody should force him. Whatever it is, this unfortunate incident DOES NOT disqualify SJD!
3. Chris said he was embarassed and humiliated that he had to learn of the termination of his appointment through the Press. It was not the job or responsibility of SJD to inform Chris, much less to make sure that the latter had received his termination letter by then. It was the job of the Native Affairs office and the DO office, and we don't know who caused the delay; if Chris' statement were to be believed. SJD was merely submitting his acceptance letter, that's all. He did not commit a crime! Don't tell me just because Chris had not received his letter was enough ground to disqualify SJD?
4. As to the accusations or statements that the BN parties should have been consulted, well, consultations need not neccessarily bring about agreement or a concensus. In the end, no candidate may be agreed upon and the people suffer. In any case, as far as I know, the norm is that it is the prerogative of the Wakil Rakyat or YB (from the governing party, of course) to recommend to the Ministry of Local Government and Housing through the Native Affairs office. In this case, I understand that SJD had the reccommendations of not just the Assemblyman (Donald Mojuntin) but also the MP (Bernard Dompok). Everything was above board. In any case, as SJD pointed out in his blog today, was NC Johnny and NC Adrian Sikawah's appointments discussed with the component parties? I might as well add that did the PBS YBs elsewhere in Sabah discuss with or get the blessings of other component leaders at the constituency level before submitting the names of their nominees, not just for the DC or NC posts but any other political appointees? I say this because the Moyog PBS leader was among those who queried SJD's appointment publicly. Is issuing a public statement against another component party consultation? Was that in the spirit of BN?
5. Jeffrey's statement - how did Jeffrey know that UMNO "bullied" others? Who gave him this bright idea? Your guess is as good as mine. All claimants to the DC throne are supposed to be pro-BN men and therefore if anyone turned to the opposition for personal gain, then this person does not deserve the coveted crown anyway. By the way, Dr Jeffrey, how can UMNO "bully" when SJD's name was submitted by Donald Mojuntin and Bernard Dompok both of whom are from UPKO?
6. The presence of KSS people at the DO office - Was it legally wrong for these people to be present? Was it wrong for these people to share the joy of SJD, their Deputy Sabah President and Penampang head? Charity begins at home. Are KSS members of Penampang not tax-paying citizens too? Don't they pay rates to the Penampang district council? Don't they vote? Are they not rakyat and anak negeri whom the Native Court is supposed to look after? Does bringing them disqualify SJD? Had SJD been a KDCA leader (which he once was) would the KDCA members make noise? Hasn't KSS been well-received by the Kadazans of Penampang as evidenced by the big crowds that turned up during their district-level functions? Jeffrey also singled out KSS president Datuk Marcel Leiking whom he described as an UMNO leader. Poor Marcel! Even if it were true that Marcel recommended SJD, so what? That's his right! He had every right to nominate his KSS deputy president just as Pairin had every right to nominate someone from KDCA! It's up to the YBs to accept or not! The YBs are not children whom Marcel can manipulate! It was just a co-incidence that Marcel was from UMNO. He could have been from DAP but he is still the KSS president! Don't insult our intelligence by suggesting that Donald and Bernard preferred UMNO man Marcel's choice over their own UPKO choice! SJD was accepted partly because of his experience as a head of government department and his family lineage of district/native/village chiefs! Wouldn't it be nice to have a former head of department as the District Chief? It's historic and something to be proud of for the Kadazans! Besides,what is there to stop Jeffrey or the PBS Moyog divisional head to make their own recommendations? The fact that John Masabal did not make one showed that even he understood that it's the YBs', and not his, prerogative! Just as it's the PBS YBs' prerogative to make recommendations in their areas!
Lastly, I don't think it was a permanent revocation letter. From what I understand, it's just KIV or put on hold, I think. As SJD himself pointed out, just cooling-off period. SJD and not Chris here, I think is the victim. He is innocent. He's the scapegoat.
Please also read my visitors' comments below.
According to the writer, Elizabeth Majaham, the Local Government and Housing Ministry has revoked the appointment of former Sabah Housing & Town Development Authority (LPPB) general manager Sylvester Jomitod Disimon (SJD) (pic above) as Penampang District Chief which is supposed to take effect on Tuesday 1 September 2009.
The reporter quoted Penampang Native Chief Johhny Molijoh who in turn quoted Penampang district officer (DO) William Sampil. (A District Chief or DC is more senior than a Native Chief or NC as he is in charge of an entire district as his title suggests or at least a State constituency whereas an NC is only in charge of a Mukim or cluster of villages. A DC may thus have several NCs under him.)
Johnny claimed that William had told him Friday that a revocation letter was given to SJD through the DO. The Daily Express article was reproduced by SJD in his blog, http://linundus.blogspot.com, today. In fact, SJD's blog had carried almost all the news reports about this 'controversy' from the start; although some of the statements were not favourable to him. I find this rather 'gentlemanly' on the part of SJD.
In his latest posting today (as of my time of writing), SJD confirmed receiving the 'revocation' letter and that he respected the Ministry's decision to impose the "cooling-off" period in view of the 'heat' generated by out-going DC Christopher Mojungkim and his 'supporters'.
Let us start from the beginning. It all started when the Borneo Post reported sometime early August that SJD had the previous day submitted his acceptance letter as DC effective 1.9.2009 to the DO who delivered it on behalf of the Sabah Native Affairs office director.
The incumbent DC, Christopher immediately issued a statement to Daily Express saying, among other things, that he felt embarassed and humiliated that he came to know of SJD's appointment and his impending removal only through the Press; that he deserved to be told personally; that he was not too old to continue serving; etc, etc. Chris' statement was supported and elaborated upon the following days by, among others, the so-called Penamapng Native Welfare Association (wonder if it's registered and can't bother to remember the name of its head) and, surprisingly, opposition figure Datuk Dr Jeffrey Kitingan. Even PBS, a fellow BN component party of UPKO whose leaders are both the Assemblyman and MP in Penampang, joined in the fray.
I can't remember who said what, but among the accusations hurled against SJD and the government (I'm just saying it in general) were that the BN parties should have been consulted; that the views of the KadazanDusun Cultural Association (KDCA) and not just Kadazan Society of Sabah (KSS) be considered and so on. Jeffrey even, surprisingly, accused UMNO of "bullying" other component parties of Penampang BN by pushing through SJD's appointment. I won't waste my time and energy to repeat everything here, those interested can either look for old newspapers or visit SJD's blog.
Sikmading says: 1. Looking back and speaking with the benefit of hindsight, SJD should perhaps not brought along a reporter (Borneo Post) when he submitted his acceptance letter to the DO. I'm just assuming that it was he who informed the reporter. It could have been the DO's office or Penampang Native Court. But then again, there was nothing wrong, not legally at least. It was SJD's right to inform the whole world that he has been appointed the new DC come 1st Sept and that he was accepting it, that's all. Some people are Press-savvy, some are not. Some are publicity shy, some are not. It's the individual's right, say what you like. It's also up to the individual to shoulder any consequences of his actions. It's a free world. To cut the long story short, my point is SJD committed no wrong by publicising the event and it certainly DID NOT disqualify him from his appointment which had already been made in the first place.
2. Secondly, again speaking with the benefit of hindsight, perhaps SJD should not have visited his new office after the above event while there is still an incumbent and especially when the latter was not aware of it. I can understand Chris' feelings. But we don't know what excatly transpired during or after the visit to the DO's office that day. SJD could have been prompted by the DO himself and the couple of Native Chiefs who were present. It's human nature to 'angkat kaki' (curry favour) with your new or in-coming boss, isn't it? Whatever it is, the above unfortunate incident, whether it was tactful or otherwise, SHOULD NOT disqualify SJD as he was the in-coming DC anyway. If any 'offence' had been committed, it was at best 'lack of tactfulness or sensitivity', that's all. Perhaps an apology from SJD to Chris (who happens to be his 2nd cousin) would help cool things down but this must come from SJD only if he wants to, nobody should force him. Whatever it is, this unfortunate incident DOES NOT disqualify SJD!
3. Chris said he was embarassed and humiliated that he had to learn of the termination of his appointment through the Press. It was not the job or responsibility of SJD to inform Chris, much less to make sure that the latter had received his termination letter by then. It was the job of the Native Affairs office and the DO office, and we don't know who caused the delay; if Chris' statement were to be believed. SJD was merely submitting his acceptance letter, that's all. He did not commit a crime! Don't tell me just because Chris had not received his letter was enough ground to disqualify SJD?
4. As to the accusations or statements that the BN parties should have been consulted, well, consultations need not neccessarily bring about agreement or a concensus. In the end, no candidate may be agreed upon and the people suffer. In any case, as far as I know, the norm is that it is the prerogative of the Wakil Rakyat or YB (from the governing party, of course) to recommend to the Ministry of Local Government and Housing through the Native Affairs office. In this case, I understand that SJD had the reccommendations of not just the Assemblyman (Donald Mojuntin) but also the MP (Bernard Dompok). Everything was above board. In any case, as SJD pointed out in his blog today, was NC Johnny and NC Adrian Sikawah's appointments discussed with the component parties? I might as well add that did the PBS YBs elsewhere in Sabah discuss with or get the blessings of other component leaders at the constituency level before submitting the names of their nominees, not just for the DC or NC posts but any other political appointees? I say this because the Moyog PBS leader was among those who queried SJD's appointment publicly. Is issuing a public statement against another component party consultation? Was that in the spirit of BN?
5. Jeffrey's statement - how did Jeffrey know that UMNO "bullied" others? Who gave him this bright idea? Your guess is as good as mine. All claimants to the DC throne are supposed to be pro-BN men and therefore if anyone turned to the opposition for personal gain, then this person does not deserve the coveted crown anyway. By the way, Dr Jeffrey, how can UMNO "bully" when SJD's name was submitted by Donald Mojuntin and Bernard Dompok both of whom are from UPKO?
6. The presence of KSS people at the DO office - Was it legally wrong for these people to be present? Was it wrong for these people to share the joy of SJD, their Deputy Sabah President and Penampang head? Charity begins at home. Are KSS members of Penampang not tax-paying citizens too? Don't they pay rates to the Penampang district council? Don't they vote? Are they not rakyat and anak negeri whom the Native Court is supposed to look after? Does bringing them disqualify SJD? Had SJD been a KDCA leader (which he once was) would the KDCA members make noise? Hasn't KSS been well-received by the Kadazans of Penampang as evidenced by the big crowds that turned up during their district-level functions? Jeffrey also singled out KSS president Datuk Marcel Leiking whom he described as an UMNO leader. Poor Marcel! Even if it were true that Marcel recommended SJD, so what? That's his right! He had every right to nominate his KSS deputy president just as Pairin had every right to nominate someone from KDCA! It's up to the YBs to accept or not! The YBs are not children whom Marcel can manipulate! It was just a co-incidence that Marcel was from UMNO. He could have been from DAP but he is still the KSS president! Don't insult our intelligence by suggesting that Donald and Bernard preferred UMNO man Marcel's choice over their own UPKO choice! SJD was accepted partly because of his experience as a head of government department and his family lineage of district/native/village chiefs! Wouldn't it be nice to have a former head of department as the District Chief? It's historic and something to be proud of for the Kadazans! Besides,what is there to stop Jeffrey or the PBS Moyog divisional head to make their own recommendations? The fact that John Masabal did not make one showed that even he understood that it's the YBs', and not his, prerogative! Just as it's the PBS YBs' prerogative to make recommendations in their areas!
Lastly, I don't think it was a permanent revocation letter. From what I understand, it's just KIV or put on hold, I think. As SJD himself pointed out, just cooling-off period. SJD and not Chris here, I think is the victim. He is innocent. He's the scapegoat.
Please also read my visitors' comments below.