Time flies! It was exactly one year ago that I wrote my post "My Last Cup of Coffee".
I was then writing from the Coffee Bean at Wisma Merdeka late afternoon, waiting for my son to finish work. To refresh your memory, I wrote that I might well be having my last cup of coffee because I was supposed to avoid sugar. I can take tea without sugar but not coffee and hence the title of my post then.
Further, it (no more coffee/sugar) was supposed to be one of my New Year (2009) resolutions! Today is the last day of 2009, did I manage to keep my resolution? Your guess is as good as mine.
As I was saying, time flies and one year later here I am again today at the same Coffee Bean also late afternoon and also waiting for my son.
A friend passed by. He noticed that I was having tea. He asked me why not coffee, especially as it has been raining. So I explained to him about sugar. His reply: "But the acid-level of tea is high!".
So, can't take coffee and can't take tea! What am I supposed to take then? Follow my SDA friends (with due respect) who take Milo? Looks like plain water (air suam in Malay) is the best.
So my 2010 New Year resolution? You can take anything, as long as you do not overdo it! Moderation is the best policy.
Back to more serious business, as I was typing a few moments ago, I received my (Malaysian daily English newspaper) Star sms news alert. It says and I quote: " (Kuala Lumpur High Court declares that (Malaysian Catholic weekly newspaper) Herald can use the word Allah, it is not exclusive to Islam, declares Home Minister order as illegal, null and void." - 4.48pm Dec31.
Congratulations to Christians all over Malaysia over this 'victory'. What a good and happy start to the New Year 2010. Let us hope that the government would not appeal the High Court decison, in line with the 1Malaysia concept of Prime Minister Datuk Najib Tun Razak which says "People First, Performance Now".
Happy New Year 2010 to all my visitors. This year no pics of traffic situation around KK streets as my camera called it a day after serving me faithfully for a few years recently.